The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap


This is the sixth swap but the first time I have joined in. (Thank you Julie Kirk)

The theme this time is Celebration

I thought you might like to see the postcards I have been stitching. One of them will be posted to my swap partner tomorrow.

Celebrating the birth of my great niece Daisy, born this month
postcard cup cake

Celebrating the flowers in my garden
postcard flowers

Celebrating life; some Lotta (Ben’s girlfriend) days, Bens promotion at work, some beautiful warm weather, seeing the first pictures of Daisy, being happy, being well
postcard firework

I found some lovely A5 envelopes in Staples
Envelope one

and made one with one of my Gelli prints

envelope 2

I’m looking forward to seeing what my swap partner in New York is celebrating.

11 thoughts on “The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap

  1. So many wonderful things to celebrate! I love all your postcards, but I think my favourite is the one with the flowers – such a nice reminder of summer. Your gelli-printed envelope is a work of art, too!

  2. These are so cool, Miriam. I’ve never seen stitched postcards before, and the swap sounds really fun! I love what you’ve done – the flowers are my favorite. You’ve inspired me to stitch a postcard for my grandmother. I send her weekly letters/postcards and am always looking for something different to send her. So fun!

  3. Miriam, I really like all your swap postcards especially the firework one. Congratulations on the arrival of Daisy this month. How exciting to welcome a new member to the family. I just realised my swap partner was in New York too!

  4. Hi, enjoying your blog and saw your entry on swaps at MMSA so a Gelli-print postcard will be winging its way to you! Isn’t it the greatest???!! I can’t stop!
    I do make them into greeting cards and am thinking of selling some prints on etsy, just to finance my Gelli addiction!

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