Scavenger Hunt Summer 2013

We had some gorgeous weather over the weekend with no wind on Sunday… perfect for a trip to make my first Scavenger Hunt picture.

Scavenger Hunt 4 Aeroplane

The things I do ‘for my art’

* No wind? I needed to take a step ladder and don’t like being on them at the best of times, I certainly wouldn’t have gone near it had there been a breath of breeze.

* We had to park on a roundabout (no kidding here, should have taken a photo of that!)

* In full public view. If you knew how self-concious I am you would be impressed

But I so wanted this picture..

When we first came to live here Concorde flew over the town (very high) every evening at 5pm on her way to Heathrow.
She flew into Filton Airport for the last time 10 years ago. I still think she is beautiful.
Thanks to Rinda’s Scavenger Hunt I made the picture I have wanted for soooo long.

I made this as a back up in case I couldn’t get the one I wanted. Do you do that?

4.1 Aeroplane


19 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Summer 2013

  1. Those are both great photos! I’m glad you made the one you’d been thinking about. But I love the composition of the second one. Great job!

  2. Great shot – and great dedication to get the shot (I’m not a big fan of ladders either). My mum actually flew Concorde once from Toronto to London (or possibly vice versa). I think there was some sort of sale so it wasn’t that expensive and she got quite a kick out of it.

  3. haha..parking on the roundabout, that’s funny. Last year I made my husband drive up and down past the Angel of the North four times to get a picture.

  4. Beautiful photographs, as always. I love the story attached to the first and the simplicity of the second.
    Just on catch up round blog land. Loved reading your Precious for SS3.
    Irene x

  5. How splendid of you to go to all that effort! I am smiling a little here at the thought of you up a step ladder off a roundabout and admiring your courage! I think you should get extra Brownie points for this :). Isn’t it beautiful?

  6. Both photos are great, but I’m glad you got the one you wanted. I have several good photos of the planes we were on while traveling, but of course, we were home before the scavenger hunt began. Now it will be more challenging.

  7. I remember being SO excited the first time I saw concorde – I’d have held the stepladder for you 😉 Really like the second shot – we have so many that go over around here I was also trying to think of another way of spotting one.

  8. We live near Duxford airfield and Concorde was there for a short while on display so I have actually been on board it, although it was on the ground at the time!
    I love your dedication to the hunt!

  9. I’m a huge Concorde fan, she used to fly over our house each evening just before 6pm when I lived in Surrey. I now live not that far from Bristol, and spotted her briefly as we drove through Filton one day last year. Not sure I would be as brave as you to get the picture though.

    Joy xx

  10. Beautiful shots! I understand the bit about being self conscious…I tried to take pictures of the fishermen without them realizing it! I probably should have just gone up and asked if I could take their picture!

  11. Both are great pictures. I like the story’s of getting these shots. The Concorde is a beauty on the outside, I can only imagine what the inside looks like.

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