The Great Big Swap

…of very small things.

Today I am transported from a cold and rainy day here in my part of the UK to the other side of the world. I am under blue skies and a warm breeze… in Australia.

Before I show you how that happened, I want to say thanks to Sian for her hard work in organising the swap. When I signed up for this I did so because I love being part of this fabulous community and wanted to send something of me out into the world but…I mostly scrap with my computer, so does the lady who sent my parcel and so does the lady who will receive my parcel very soon, I know how challenging it was to put something together to fulfil the brief!
Whether by luck or judgement, you linked us together, it has been lovely to be part of your latest Brilliant Idea Sian, and such fun to send and receive. Thank you for the challenge.

Look what landed on my doorstep this morning

Happy Mail

I was very good and took photos of all stages of unwrapping.
Amy 3
Amy 2
Amy 1

Thank you Sian for organising and Thank you Amy for your beautiful parcel.
I am thrilled with all the little bits and to have some of your lovely photos.

8 thoughts on “The Great Big Swap

  1. I am absolutely delighted that the thinking I put into the pairings has worked out for you! I have been hoping that some nice connections would be made..

    That’s a beautiful parcel and I’m sure you will enjoy it

  2. I have to say, I nearly didn’t join up initially because I really knew I would struggle with actual product! I think Sian got it spot on as far as the pairings were concerned. I am sorry it took a little longer to get there – making the photo choice, then the quote and getting them printed took a little longer than I thought.

    I wonder if any of those things could be incorporated into a fabric creation? Hmmm … I’ll leave that side of the creativity up to you!

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