Journal Your Christmas 12th and 13th

I have my pages 12 & 13 to share with you today. I had Friday off work this week so was able to catch up with a few things, not least of which was a bit of housework! I soon got fed up with that and returned to finishing card making. I have left it so late again I won’t catch sight of the second class stamps again this year!
I wonder if I am the only one left who is posting her cards so late?

Do you have a favourite carol?

5 thoughts on “Journal Your Christmas 12th and 13th

  1. Your pages are beautiful Miriam. Stamps? Don’t make me laugh! I put first class stamps on mine and posted them last Friday. They only started arriving yesterday..

  2. My last cards went to the post office on Monday. I hope they all get where they are going by Christmas. I just finished my last layout for my Scrap Mart DT job, and can spend the next couple of days finishing up the wrapping and doing my Christmas Journal. I have lots of pieces done, but my last page was early in December! Yours are lovely as always. I love the continuity of your design.

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