Scrapping the Everyday

Inspired by Amy Scrapping the Every Day

Journalling reads

From 1 to 21 in the blink of an eye
Where has the time gone?
It seems like only yesterday you helped your daddy put the swing together.
It was the evening before your birthday. We had hoped to get the swing up ready for the following morning but you saw the box and that was the end of a quiet evening before the big day. You helped to open the box, unpack the bits hold the tools tighten a few screws and before I knew it you were high in the sky, I was terrified you would fall but you just laughed, more daddy! more daddy!
Now look at you, in your leathers, you have wanted a motorbike for as long as we can remember. You put yourself through the test and saved your wages to buy your blue Suzuki.
I am still terrified you will fall but it is your dream fulfilled and I am happy for you.

5 thoughts on “Scrapping the Everyday

  1. It’s frightening..not the page, obviously (it’s beautiful)..the flight of time. We were married a few days after our 22nd birthdays, and I do wonder how I would feel if my own children did the same thing!

  2. I’m really feeling time flying at the moment, my baby starts school next year and I thought I was going to be prepared and now I realise I am really going to miss my little girl!

  3. How very lovely! Gosh, and so true – mine are now 9 and 11 but that time’s gone by so fast! Great layout, and great idea for it – you’ve got me thinking 🙂

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