Scrapping the Everyday

Inspired by Amy

This beautiful Lavender field is near Axbridge in Somerset. It is only open during July and August and in all the years I have lived around here this is the first time I have seen it. Apart from the fabulous colours, the perfume filling the warm summer air was just wonderful! There is a little shop there where you can buy all things Lavender, plants, oil, sprays, soap, cut stems, hand lotion… and they have just opened a lovely little cafe outside in the field, the tables have lavender coloured check table cloths on, and there are pretty cushions on the chairs. Tea is served from proper tea pots and china cups and saucers. The whole thing says English Summer in the Country. Yes there were Lavender cakes and Lavender tea which was absolutely gorgeous.
And publishing this on a cold rainy November morning I am reminded of a beautiful warm perfumed filled day.

6 thoughts on “Scrapping the Everyday

  1. Miriam I love this template, I may have to try and ‘replicate’ it somehow!
    Your photos are beautiful and I am so pleased that some of my pages have encouraged you to capture the every day as well!

  2. Hi Miriam, I’ve been having a catch up after another busy and absent spell! Love your everyday tale and layout, and I did enjoy reading your dream for Storytelling Sunday. Some fab colourful collages, too. It’s been a fun catch up! xx

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