Summer Scavenger Hunt 1 of 3

I have been scavenging for the items on Rindas wonderful treasure hunt.

Item 8 Our Union Jack
Item 17 Rain on the car
Item 21 A rooster on my stairs
item 5 A hand written sign. I tried the cake, it was fabulous.
Item 7 A decorated mailbox. I might try harder on this one or look for a garden ornament.
Item 14 A Castle. This is Banwell Castle where you can get fabulous Somerset Cream Teas if you are passing.
Item 15 Graffiti art. This is the wall in the playground of the school my nephew Alec went to. His classmates and staff made this dedication to him.

I can’t remember where I got this LO from. If anyone knows please let me know & will credit them.

thank you Rinda for this wonderful Challenge

5 thoughts on “Summer Scavenger Hunt 1 of 3

  1. Great set of shots, especially that lovely wooden rooster. I like the way you’ve arranged them, shows them off really well.
    I’m taking part in Ginger’s Mail Art Exchange, so just popping in to say “Hi!”

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