Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers

I am taking Shimelle’s on line course called Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers which follows on quite naturally from Blogging for Scrapbookers.
Like all Shimelle’s classes it will be brilliant, I will have fun & learn loads.
I am so nervous about following her first prompt though.

A novel and a question

I wrote a great long tale about why I started my blog,
what has happened over the last year and why the change of direction.
I even came up with a couple of questions and then thought,
Who on earth is going to be interested in this?
And then I wondered, is this precisely what it is all about? The detail, the chatter, what I think, why I think it?
I don’t give enough of myself do I?
So who is interested in just my pictures?
Do they need more conversation around them?
I love to start a sentence with and and a comma because that’s how I speak, it also usually involves an upright pointy index finger and a twinkle in my eye…
Would you, yes that’s you, the very important person reading this,
Like to read my long tale?
No, don’t answer that, here it is

About blogging

I signed up for Shimelle’s Beyond Blogging fSB class.
Is this lovely lady reading my mind? The very thing that she talks about in her prompt today is what has been on my mind for the past few months.
What is it that I am blogging about?
I looked back over the last ten post of mine and everyone features my passion for photographs and photographic challenges and not one about craft which is what I intended almost a year ago.

May 2010 with the blog started, but still private! (ring any bells?) I thought I would post about my crafting which I was passionate about, I had been following a number of craft sites and wanted to be part of that community.
I signed up for an online photography course so that I could use the family DSLR and take some decent pictures of my craft projects.
And then something happened.
We decided to sell the house.
I needed to return my crafting space, which was the spare room, back to a bedroom.
So, in a fit of pique, one weekend, I bought a whole lot of packing boxes and put everything into the garage (the bl***y garage as it has become affectionately known), installed a bed and kept one bookcase on which I would store (artistically of course) some things I thought I couldn’t live without.
That left me with my desk, my beloved mac, my printer and my point & shoot camera.

What was a girl to do? I was now able to take the camera off auto, I asked for some Photoshop lessons and fell in love with taking pictures and playing with Photoshop!

Incidentally, the family camera has now become ‘mine’ In fact I would say that a precedent has been set. I have been given a beautiful new 50mm lens ‘for your camera’

I still hanker after making stuff, still read and love some crafting sites.
I have been trying out some digital layouts, it is a slow process as I don’t feel the need to scrap everything.
I do so love Shimelle’s classes
Oh and I also love to write ‘True Stories”
I want to blog without ?, Oh I can’t remember, it is something Mel said.
and I still want to play a part in this wonderful online community.

So dear reader,
I need some direction: I need to ask a question of you.
Have you asked yourself /felt like this: What is it that I am blogging about?
What did you do to get beyond this place that you were and I am, at?

And then I went and had some lunch. Crackers and some fabulous fishy morsel.
And then came & wrote this, the first bit that is!

I am sure Shimelle said to ask one question, well I have asked loads of you indirectly, but

I would be really happy if you answered just this,

Are there people on this course who are interested in taking pictures and taking part in challenges, that I could hook up with and think about when I am posting?

There, said it, done it, now post it. but I can’t post without a picture can I,

This was part of a ‘photo shoot’ lol, with this fella this morning for next weeks Scavenger Hunt

18 thoughts on “Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers

  1. ‘Blogging without obligation’ 🙂

    Good for you, this is a very honest post! Firstly, photography is an art form in itself, and hence a craft, so you haven’t strayed so very far after all! I’ve really enjoyed seeing your photography, it’s a pleasure to look at and it inspires me, so thank you xx

    I haven’t yet got into any photography challenges, though it’s something I may consider when I’ve better got to grips with my dSLR. I can recommend Jill Conyers’ blog to you, though – – she’s a keen photographer and is interested in the editing side of things too; she takes part in a few challenges regularly and you may find something there to get you started thinking 🙂

  2. In short – YES lol
    In long – Your post could have been written by me, apart from the fact that I’ve not yet refocussed onto any one particular ‘thing’.
    In addition to crafty stuff, I love taking photos and using PS (and have done a fair few on-line courses (are we talking CJ’s here?)) but I do seem to have a myriad of other ideas on the go all at the same time and therefore I don’t know what the focus of my blog is. However, I am always up for photographic chats/challenges – I just can’t always commit to them. And yes, I have to MAKE myself post without a photo of some sort occasionally lol

  3. I do like photography and admire people who can take wonderful photos, but only have a Panasonic Lumix point and shoot and don’t have photoshop so not sure I could participate in any photography challenges! I shall enjoy checking out YOUR photos though.

  4. Have you asked yourself /felt like this: What is it that I am blogging about?
    Miriam – oh yes I am right there with you on this one – so will be interested to see the responses you get. A very thought rovoking post – for me anyway – thanks.
    For your photo question – I’m not such a great photographer – so probably not. I only have a point & shoot camera – and know I would never take out a bigger Digi SLR cos I’d forget it!
    See you in class – Jen x

  5. A great story! I started my blog because I used to like to write years ago and I felt it was calling me again after I had been journaling on my scrapbook pages. Now the blog has led to me rediscovering all the crafts I did before the children were born; and wanting something to blog about has led to me completing a lot more projects than I ever did before.

  6. To answer your question, I am sure there are lots of people that are interested in photography and photo challenges. My main focus traditional paper scrapbooking. That’s what I do and that’s what I write about in my blog. That’s said I would love to improve my photography skills and learn how to use my husband’s DSLR. I just never can’t find the time to do that. Maybe this summer 🙂
    I scrolled down to see your photographs and loved them a lot!

  7. Visiting from BBfS 🙂 I try to never load a post without a photo. I just think it adds another dimension and much prefer blogs that have photos along with posts. I love “playing” at photography but have no technical knowledge so it would be dependent on the challenges whether I would feel comfortable participating.

  8. Hi Miriam…I’ve come via BBfS. I only started blogging during Smimelle’s BFS recent ‘repeat’ and my very first post explains why I put it off for so long. Personally, I like mixed blogs that have scrapbooking, life, cookery…in fact all the little things that let you have a look at other people’s lives. I DO take (lots of) pictures and I DO take part in scrapping challenges and if that’s what you’re talking about, I’d be glad to hook up!
    Alison xx

  9. Hi, Miriam! I came over here from the BBFS class. One of my blogging goals is to take more photographs and blog about them. I have never done a photography challenge, but that sounds like a fabulous way to get inspired!

  10. Your post is really good and although I’m no great photographer,I also took over the family ‘point & shoot’ & love the effects I can use on PSE. I’ve learned a few tricks from Shimelle & others but don’t feel comfortable entering purely photographic challenges. I love looking at wonderful photos though & I’m sure there are plenty of people out there you could join in with. Love the slug!

  11. I love taking photos, I put a nature photo on my blog every morning, well I do it the night before and schedule it for 7.00 am the following day.
    I haven’t done photo challenges though but it does sound interesting.

  12. Hi there, I’m another class mate of you 🙂
    I love snapping photos left and right, the last couple of months I’ve been back on track with my Project 365 and feel really happy about it. And now I always have new photos to scrap with as well.

  13. Found my way here from BBfS. I am still in the same spot you are. Though I discovered blogging years ago, my reasons for writing now are different from the reasons I started blogging. I’m now trying to find my “voice” in the online world.

    As for photography, I love the ones that you’ve shared on your page. I’ve done a few challenges on Flickr, but I have gotten away from that recently. I WOULD like to get back into it again though.

    Looking forward to reading more from you!

  14. I love coming and looking at your photos, and might be up for a challenge once in a while :). But I think I am first and foremost a scrapbooker, rather than a photographer. I also like reading whatever it is you write!

  15. I love scrapbooking (paper and digi) and photography. I’ve participated in the ENTIRE “Picture” series of photography classes over at Big Picture Scrapbooking, so my blog tends to be photo heavy at times. I love seeing how others interpret a prompt, often quite differently than I do.

  16. Miriam, I love your photos! And although I am very much a beginner when it comes to photography, I love photo challenges!

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