True Stories

Some stories need to be told even if they are difficult to write.

A while ago there was a discussion in blog land about whether we should share sad stories. I think it may have been on Sian’s blog. The general consensus was
that as they formed part of our lives as well as the happy stories it was ok to share.

My story is very sad

I have had this story written in my head for a few months, I wrote it all down at the weekend, today I will write it to my blog.

I know that everyone of us has a special child, one that stands out from the rest, just that bit funnier, a little brighter and certainly more beautiful. Do you agree?
Having got your agreement then, may I beg your indulgence and tell you about one that I know?
This particular special one was born 10 years ago in the summer of 2001,
The whole family were so very excited because we hadn’t had a baby in the family for 12 years.
Oh my goodness was he going to be loved, and cooed over and clucked over by his adoring aunties, and cousins who were all old enough to love him and not be jealous of him.
Because we lived 150 miles away we relied on phone calls with updates of his progress, he was cooing, laughing, rolling over, sitting and walking.
Of course he did all these things much quicker than the average baby because he was, well special.
So many people queued up to ‘baby sit’ So many aunties to love and be loved by!
So many nannies!
So many willing hands to push the pram, teach him to balance on a scooter and to ride a bike. All done, much quicker than the average boy, obviously!

He went to play school and loved it, he talked non-stop, a little old fashioned shall we say but then he lived with a house full of adults.
He went to school and loved it, he was a popular little chap at his first school, he loved to bring his friends home to play especially as his older brother and sister would join in the games which they were far to big for, but what kudos!
He grew to love the computer and e-mailed everyone, how lovely for his daft Aunty Miriam to receive an e-mail from her gorgeous nephew, with every e-mail I try to send a picture of my dog because he loves her so much.

Anyway, In February 2010 the beautiful child became poorly.

Every one of his huge and adoring family have been amazed by this fearless, funny, strong, wonderful, brave, beautiful boy.
We have learnt loads and loved loads, we have laughed and we have cried we have held each other tight, we have shouted, screamed, questioned, prayed and asked why, why him?

We spent some time with him on Saturday, in the beautiful hospice in Oxford.
He passed away today.

Cousins. May 2006

God bless you and keep you beautiful boy.
13 June 2001 – 8th March 2011

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