So That Was February

and we are already more than a week into March!

I think I survived February quite well. It was a short month and a very wet and cold month here, but no snow, just three hail storms in one day kind of a month.
February is my birthday month. When I was a child I remember thinking that the seven weeks between Christmas and my birthday was a lifetime! now of course the time flies by.
Then there’s Valentines day which we love to celebrate in our house. I had beautiful flowers and a card from my Valentine.
I loved taking part in Sian’s Pile of Postcards swap again. I hope all mine have been received by now.

February, A couple of meals out and an evening looking at birds, visiting an art installation, dinner with Ben & Lotta, and coffee’s with friends made my February lovely.


And now we are in March, the weather seems to be alternating between gorgeous sunshine & rain! That would be March then.

9 thoughts on “So That Was February

  1. Sounds like a perfect February to me! My birthday is in January and it always seemed so close to Christmas to me too. I was just happy for the cake!! I love your flower picture. I can’t tell for sure, but I’m going to take a guess based on the time of year. Is it hellebores (lenten rose)? One of my favorites of the early bloomers!!

  2. We have a birthday here in February and it always catches us a bit unawares (but sshh..don’t tell him that!)

    Yes: March has come in cold here. Bright, but very cold.

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