Photography class

Week three, setting the camera to Manual, adjust the light settings! now that was a challenge but I loved it! I missed the deadline for uploading the pictures again but hey ho, I am still doing the assignments even if I don’t understand it fully. I took some ‘interesting’ shots, underexposed and overexposed.  I love the underexposed Lavender.


Week three

Week four, this weeks assignment, a sunset and a silhouette

week 4

This was the last week of the course. I just loved taking my camera off auto, didn’t make all the deadlines but feel a whole lot more confident and now I can choose the sort of pictures I want. Thanks Cheryl.

I have signed up for Shimelle’s new class for the next four weeks!

Love your pictures, Love your pages…

Do you dream?

I dream every night. I don’t always remember the details, thank goodness, because some of them are nightmares. Lately my husband tells me I have been shouting & screaming but I have no knowledge at all, I wake with a feeling of sadness and sometimes with a sore throat but no details of the dream to tell him what it was about. I just feel  glad its over. Anyway, last night, apparently, I was singing!!!  I was encouraging the group, come along now, LA LA LA & waving my hands about, as I do.

I have never heard of anyone do that, have you?

In my work I facilitate a singing group on a Monday, I just love it, today I am on leave, I wonder if I am missing it?  how strange is that?

I am going to sing all day today, I expect it will be this, we sing it towards the end of the session and it stays in my head;

Down in the jungle where nobody goes

There’s a big ole elephant washing her clothes

With a rub-a-dub-here and a rub-a-dub there

That’s how the elephant washes her clothes.

She goes thump thump, a boggie woogie woogie

Thump thump, a boggie woogie woogie

Rub-a-dub here  and a rub-a-dub there

That’s how the elephant washes her clothes.

Yes there are actions and we sing two more verses, one about a great big monkey and one about a big ole crocodile!

and it makes everyone laugh!

Love it!

What a great way to start your working week.

A scrapbook for a birthday

What goes into yours?

I had this idea.

I put in some photos

and some letters

and some cards,

and some money

and then it grew…

there were poems,

and quotes

and pockets

and memorabilia

and it grew…

a theatre card,



an accordian fold book,

a beer mat,

lots and lots of love

and bunting of course!

It just grew and

It just grew, just like Topsy!

Here are a few pictures and the rest of the project is here

The presentation box

I used page protectors for the coins, the pockets are sewn on my sewing machine. The coins are locked in with hand stitching.  Thanks to Shimelle Lane for the class on using your stash!

This was such a wonderful project to do and gave me lots of opportunities to try different techniques.

He loved it.