I had a really strange day today. Strange for me because I generally feel, and am quite calm. I have the occasional rant, Do you rant? but today I had feelings of crossness, (is that a word?) anger, upset, disappointment, that’s it! and chuck it all in, kind of a day. All because my neighbour cut down his own forsythia bush and exposed their kitchen to me! Honestly, I do know that it was totally irrational of me, but that’s how I felt. It was their bush to do what they like with, they cut it down because it was in the way, and it spoilt my view. Off I went to the garden centre and bought a trellis, (yes, I admit, it is quite big). Tomorrow my boys have been instructed to put it up against the wall at such a height that I won’t be able to see into their kitchen from my kitchen. Obviously they won’t be able to see into mine either which will be a bonus.
If you are wondering how I persuaded them to do this for me, I threatened to cook our evening meal in my knickers. (not a pretty sight from where ever you look I assure you!)
Two pictures that make me happy to lift my mood.

twiggy silhouette
This one is a silhouette of my lovely twig. I have had this a while now. I rescued it from the beautiful but sick cherry in the garden. I took two small branches for inside and a large branch for the patio (another post)
I set the twigs firmly in sand and I hang pretty things from the branches. I love it. I have taken lots of photos of it but none have pleased me until this one. No colour and no detail but to me it shows just what it is, a place to hang pretty things. I need pretty things around me, especially today.
Karen’s hen

Karen's hen
This photo was sent to me by my lovely friend Karen. She made this door stop all by herself. Not very remarkable you might say but she tells me that she can’t do anything in the least bit crafty, I don’t believe that to be true.
My friend cooks and bakes, that, to me, is every bit as crafty as cutting up bits of paper. Karen bakes the most wonderful cakes, and, at the drop of a hat, on the spur of the moment, just because she wants too or feels like it or there is a sale on and cakes are needed. I need a fortnights notice to make a cake! yesterday I needed cake and had to go to the supermarket to buy one. Now she is sewing stuff! I think it’s beautiful Karen, much like you.