Sian's Christmas Club

Week 2

Sian from High in the Sky has invited us to share a Christmas story in the few weeks before Christmas, here is mine for this week.
Last week this story reminded me of one of my earliest memories. A few years ago I played along with this challenge and this was my ATC.

Deb at Paper Turtle said this in her post last week I am so very grateful for a mom who taught me, through her own example, the selfless joy of creating gifts for others made from heart and soul and hands. This is just how I feel when ever I make something for someone!
Over the years, at family gatherings there is much hilarity among us about what happened to Linda…but that’s for another day.
Merry Christmas Gerard! (again) Miriam x

Sian’s Christmas Club

Sian from High in the Sky has invited us to share a Christmas story in the few weeks before Christmas, here is mine for this week.

Every year this little Christmas Nativity Scene brings treasured memories for me and laughter for my son.

The nativity scene belonged to my mother and was put out every Christmas throughout our childhood. You will see that the baby Jesus is wrapped in ‘swaddling clothes’ It is a piece of cloth my mother wrapped him in many years ago.
My younger brother insisted that the baby lay in his manger every day during advent whereas my very traditional Irish mother forbid it! The child wasn’t born until Christmas morning and so the manger was to be empty until then.
So, every day the baby was put in the manger by Gerard and every day he was taken out of the manger by mother, first he was in and then he was out, and so it continued all through advent for many years until he got so bashed that his arm fell off!!
My poor mother was heart broken and wrapped him up as you see him here.
When mum died the little crib came to me.
The story of the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes gets more outrageous with every telling and now that my son tells our visitors the story I suspect that by the end of the evening the baby has no limbs at all!
Merry Christmas Gerard…Miriam x

Christmas in December

I would really like to keep Christmas in December. I know it is not really possible but it has long been a dream of mine.
The supermarkets have had stuff in since before Halloween, Christmas trees are up at work! We had our 9th Anniversary Tea Dance (it was wonderful) at work last week and there was turkey on the menu. Ok I have placed my M&S food order but I just can’t bear the queues if you leave it much later. Then on Saturday I saw this.
I was shocked or have you all seen Christmas lights already? Are these people just terribly organised? Do they have children driving them nuts with “when can we put the decorations up?” Have you got your things ‘down from the loft?’ have you started to decorate?
Oh dear the words Humbug and Bah are drifting into my mind!
Apologies for the poor photo, I was in the car!

Christmas Boxes.

Mel’s Brilliant Tutorial

Today Mel has a tutorial on her blog for some lovely Christmas boxes. Years ago I made lots of these to put sweets in for the folks at our local Day Centre. I decorated mine with pictures cut from old Christmas cards, but the reason I want to post my (not very good photos, sorry!) is to show you that you can make the same box, slightly different shape, from last years Christmas cards. That is if you have any left from making your Advent Book!