I signed up for Shimelle’s September class Learn Something New Every Day again and spent the last few days finishing last years book! I just couldn’t start the new class with the last one not finished. The book was a water colour book I bought in a sale (as you do).  I used an old OS map as the background for most of my pages. I love how it turned out and it’s given me lots of ideas for this years class book.

LSNED cover

LSNED 09 pages


The little note book is from Inkythings.

This time I have cut my pages to 6×6. I am using Kraft paper for the base and  cut pockets from pp for each page. Some will run along the bottom of the page and some down the side. For the middle pages I have done a couple of diagonal pockets (for a change!).

lsned 2010 front cover

I might use the little notebook I made on the cover this time.

lsned 2010 pages

Just cut, not bound, lesson learnt.

The book will come together because Shimelle’s prompts and downloadables (is that a word?) are just fab. (almost stalking her but still resisting, just)

In My Garden

A mini book for 2010.

Every month I take some photos of what’s flowering in the garden and incorporate them into a mini book.

I am trying to keep the pages clean and simple (not easy for me!) with the same theme running through the year, just the photos, the month, some journaling, minimal embellishments and one large 5 x 7 photo on the facing page.

The picture at the top of my blog is one I took of the Ribes (flowering currant) in May this year, the beautiful bee was a bonus.

The pages for June & July are below with the rest of the book here.

In my garden June 2010

In my garden July 2010

I am looking forward to seeing what I come up with for my August pages as everything is either soggy, blown to bits and dead thanks to the wind and rain, or if it’s a weed or the lawn, growing as you look at it!