December Days

I have my days 23, 24 and 25 to share with you today.
Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

I am hoping to have pictures of the carrot carvings, I didn’t take any with my camera so I’ll need to get them from various iPhones!

Thank you for all the lovely messages, I hope you have all been happy and that your Christmas was all you hoped for.

December Days

I have my days 20, 21 and 22 to share with you today.
Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

My family have arrived, Paul is feeling so much better, I am in full flu swing but now I have plenty of people here to look after me. Thank you for all your good wishes I really do appreciate you thinking of me.

Days in December

I have my days 13 and 14 to share with you today. Later than I had hoped but I have had a busy day getting ready for Lotta arriving. Yesterday Ben was tidying his room ready for his girl to arrive, well actually he was tidying because his mother said if it didn’t look better and cleaner than this I would put her in the spare room! Anyhow, I asked him if he wanted his Christmas tree on his desk and maybe he could put his Christmas lights up? He wondered if I was coming in ‘to decorate’ for him?
Today while he is at work Paul & I have decorated for him! Pictures will follow, he hasn’t see it yet!