Project 365

I have had so many problems with my computer! Things are still not right but at last I am able to do a few bits of catching up.
Here are two weeks worth of my 365 project. Where have 6 weeks of the New Year gone?
It is a wonderful day here today, blue skies, birds singing and people looking cheerful. On our walk this morning I saw so many beautiful snow drops and catkins. The bullfinch and blue tits were busy collecting nesting material, the robins were in full song protecting their patch and the magpies were leaving everyone else alone, busy collecting branches bigger than themselves!
It is a good day, I am emerging from a very grey few weeks. x

Week 6

Week 5

Templates A Photo A Day by ChrissyW
Feed The Birds Solids by Dianne Rigdon

Project 365

Week 4

It’s the end of January at last. It seems to have been a long month!

22nd – 28th January
This week; there were far too many meetings at work, a last look at the Christmas tree as it was taken away, the morning sun was beautiful again, a moment of weakness saw me at the Quality Street, but I made up some ground with some extra fresh fruit. Ben was in Winslow and mother-in-law sent me a beautiful,huge, pink cyclamen!

Project 365 week 2

I decided that if at some time I want to print these pages I should make them a double LO.
I am loosely following the prompts from Digital Photography School. The first three days of the month were ‘newness’ Jan 3rd was ‘cold’ and 10th was ‘breakfast’ I like having a theme to work to, it focuses my mind which I desperately need at the moment.

I have started working with photoshop, I love it, every day I learn something new about it. Hopefully as the weeks go by I’ll become more adventurous!
I am starting to visit your blogs, I am not sure if Google reader was a good idea now, I can see just how many posts there are to catch up on!

Project 365/week 1

First digital page

I have decided to take part in this project this year. I really want to improve my photography skills, I want to learn some more about photoshop and I am missing crafting with paper.
Like Amy all my ‘suff’ is packed away, she has inspired me to give digital scrapping a try.

I love both Alexa and Giselle’s page style, so I am taking inspiration from these three ladies.
Rather than publish a photo every day, I am intending to gather 7 days together and make a digital page with them, that’s the plan!
This is my first page.

For January I am using a template from Two Peas I am keeping it very simple until I am more confident with photoshop.
When it was finished I wondered what made me choose such a strong colour for the background, obviously I just like it but I realised it is the same colour as the ‘T’ shirt I am wearing today!!

My life 365 – month circles by Polka Dot Pixels

P365 – A Photo A Day by ChrissyW

Feed The Birds Solids by Dianne Rigdon