Simple Things

Sometimes I just see things and photograph them because they make me feel happy or my family will call me ‘for a photo opportunity’.
My husband, on more than one occasion has put me in the car and taken me to a ‘photo opportunity’
I never do much with these pictures, sometimes I might put them through one of my photo editing programs but they mostly hang around in my photo library. I seem to think I need a reason to post them here.
I want to continue to notice and photograph the simple, ordinary things that bring me pleasure but this year I’ll let them see the light of day, well an electronic light I suppose. I mean I’ll post them here!

I have been inspired by Rinda’s photographers eye series

dried seed.macro

Have you noticed anything simple that has given you pleasure or just made you smile?

Simple Things

I have an early memory (Oh so many years ago!) of my grandfather taking me and my brothers to the woods at this time of the year to collect leaf mould for his garden.

gold dust for his garden

I was reminded of this today as I stopped the car to check where I was supposed to be going. There was a break in a wall with a huge pile of gorgeous copper coloured leaves spilling onto the road. I knew that right at the bottom of that pile there would be a beautiful pile of leaf mould!
Dear Grampy, He was such a kind and gentle man, I miss him still. x