Project 365

Week 4

It’s the end of January at last. It seems to have been a long month!

22nd – 28th January
This week; there were far too many meetings at work, a last look at the Christmas tree as it was taken away, the morning sun was beautiful again, a moment of weakness saw me at the Quality Street, but I made up some ground with some extra fresh fruit. Ben was in Winslow and mother-in-law sent me a beautiful,huge, pink cyclamen!

Project 365 week 2

I decided that if at some time I want to print these pages I should make them a double LO.
I am loosely following the prompts from Digital Photography School. The first three days of the month were ‘newness’ Jan 3rd was ‘cold’ and 10th was ‘breakfast’ I like having a theme to work to, it focuses my mind which I desperately need at the moment.

I have started working with photoshop, I love it, every day I learn something new about it. Hopefully as the weeks go by I’ll become more adventurous!
I am starting to visit your blogs, I am not sure if Google reader was a good idea now, I can see just how many posts there are to catch up on!

Project 365/week 1

First digital page

I have decided to take part in this project this year. I really want to improve my photography skills, I want to learn some more about photoshop and I am missing crafting with paper.
Like Amy all my ‘suff’ is packed away, she has inspired me to give digital scrapping a try.

I love both Alexa and Giselle’s page style, so I am taking inspiration from these three ladies.
Rather than publish a photo every day, I am intending to gather 7 days together and make a digital page with them, that’s the plan!
This is my first page.

For January I am using a template from Two Peas I am keeping it very simple until I am more confident with photoshop.
When it was finished I wondered what made me choose such a strong colour for the background, obviously I just like it but I realised it is the same colour as the ‘T’ shirt I am wearing today!!

My life 365 – month circles by Polka Dot Pixels

P365 – A Photo A Day by ChrissyW

Feed The Birds Solids by Dianne Rigdon